" We have just started using it. It differentiates various personalities and helps in decision making. The clarity on its precision level will be gathered over a period of time...

" Counselling test curated for NES has been very useful in identifying the skill sets and allotting appropriate job fitment to students as per their quotients. Multilingual tests developed by considering various key...

“It is indeed great pleasure in my part to share complementing note to you & your team. Needless to say 9 Links is one of the best organization to conduct skill gap analysis through assessment of Cognitive skills..

“ It is crucial that validating the quality of the candidates in recruitment. 9 Links is a service that we can confidently say does that. 9 Links online assessment precisely giving us the right candidates to pick and proceed on recruitment...

We have used 9 links psychometric tool in our Campus Placement Programme.The tool has helped us to identify right candidate as per our organization requirements...

"We used services of 9 LINKS for skill assessment for recruitment for dealership manpower through Campus recruitment at our office campus...

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