
How Organizations can help destress their employees during COVID-19?

How Organizations can help destress their employees during COVID-19?

How Organizations can help destress their employees during COVID-19?

Stress is a fact of everyday life. People are more stressed when something unknown comes into their life, we can say fear of the unknown engulfs. These days we are talking about this virus which has taken this whole planet into its fold. India is the second-largest populous country has a major threat from this virus. Definitely it is stressful.

Stress can be managed

A diamond is born when coal is subjected to intense pressure which it is able to endure. Quite similarly if one is able to maintain a positive attitude in tandem with hope, self-esteem, resilience and optimism in the face of challenges, there is bound to be light at the end of the tunnel.

Stress management in organisations

Stress experienced by the employees in their job has a negative impact on their health, performance and their behaviour in the organization. Thus, stress needs to be managed effectively so as to set off these harmful consequences.

Organizations and individuals can take certain steps to get over the stress and work for the betterment of the organizations and self on the whole.

Effective management of communication

Encouraging more of organizational communication with the employees so that there is no role ambiguity/conflict. Effective communication can also change employee views. In these times when all working from home, it is imperative to have the communication on with the employees.

Using technology for manager and employee conversations helps drive consistency and quality so employees are connecting on important topics on a regular basis. Daily once facetime could be a positive move in this direction. If the organisation is venturing into new product lines or new market segment involving the employees into the decision-making process increases the zeal to work and obviously there would be no ambiguity in performing the role as their opinion had already be taken in. Processes should be defined for a proper workflow, so at the end, productivity can be measured. This, in the end, defines all work parameters and also ambiguity in processes is reduced. This reduces the stress further.

Employees engagement survey

Employee engagement surveys (pulses), makes people feel heard and involved, and it gives leaders insight into what people need most during times of distress to help them be happier and more successful. If you're wondering whether to carry on with your previously scheduled engagement pulse, our answer is, "Absolutely." Employees are already experiencing anxiety. That anxiety is heightened when they have needs that aren't being met by their organization and no way of voicing those concerns. Providing an outlet and a follow-up approach helps battle anxiety by giving people an avenue to surface concerns.

While it is not uncommon to see negative feedback in times of uncertainty, we have also seen many instances of positive feedback, in large part due to the confidence and support employees feel in the time of crisis.

While it is true that some employee concerns cannot be resolved, employees respond positively to candid responses about what can and cannot yet be addressed.

Effective hiring and orientation

Have an effective hiring and orientation procedure. This would involve a psychometric assessment at the time of screening and also understand their training and development needs. In today's times, online psychometric tools would be effective as the employee can take the test in his home and the report would be provided to the manager without a physical interface. Plying with the report various parameters which could lead to stress can be analysed without being judgemental. Employee counselling is a very good strategy to overcome employee stress. Through counselling, employees can become aware of their strengths and how to develop those strengths; their weaknesses and how to eliminate them; and they can develop strategies for changing their behaviour.

Stress Management in COVID19 times

In June and July 2018, a widely publicised cave rescue successfully extricated members of a junior football team trapped in Tham Luang Nang Non-cave in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. Twelve members of the team aged eleven to sixteen and their 25-year-old assistant coach entered the cave on 23 June after football practice. Shortly afterwards, heavy rains partially flooded the cave, trapping the group inside. For most people, the experience would have been a disastrous one; eventually resulting in tragedy. However, 25-year-old Coach Ake's approach in dealing with the extremely challenging situation was remarkable; he taught the boys meditation to help them handle the unforeseen event and keep calm. Managing to keep their sunny side up even in a dark cave, all the members of the team and the coach survived. Dr Harris who was a member of the rescue operation was told by the coach that inside the cave, 'Everyone was strong, and no one was sick'. It was concluded that all the survivors had a strong mental state. Stress can cause the human brain to use more of its capabilities.

If we look at the above example, we could feel that we are also trapped in our houses with the fear of getting affected with the virus as we move out. So, looking at all the above points

If we identify the areas of concern and make a systematic process flow in our daily routines keep time for meditation, yoga and exercise in the mornings,
Follow a set routine
Eat healthy
Communicate with our employees and employers regularly
At home communicate with our family positively
Follow social distancing when we go out
Adapting ourselves with the changing
Keep our positive energies up.
Then like the students who were stuck in the cave this time also pass and with the mental strength we will come out as winners.

Through proper assessments, training and development schedules organisations can bring out the best in their employees. Be it individuals or organisation positivity is the key to move ahead, making strategies and organisational goals with the hope of resolving all the hurdles subsequently.

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