
Adaptability is the key

Adaptability is the key

Is your workforce adaptive enough to absorb the new change?

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is one of that is most adaptable to change” Charles Darwin. One of the top soft skills required forIt is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is one of that is most adaptable to change” Charles Darwin. One of the top soft skills required for- human resource management in 2020 is adaptability. (LinkedIn Learning over 660+ million professionals and 20+ million jobs to reveal the 15 most in-demand soft and hard skills of 2020)

Millennials the Drivers

When we begin to screen our human resources from here, we find that according to the Pew Research Centre, in 2016 millennials became the largest generation in the labor workforce in the US. Therefore, the millennial is a very established generation in the workplace and is now the core engine for the success of most businesses and organizations. India, the second most populated country in the world, is home to over 400 million millennials—those born after the year 1982. Today, these millennials form nearly half of India’s human resources. The construction industry, whose human resource is aging out at rapid rates, is therefore urged to embrace the strengths of millennials and open their minds to new ideas of work. To help the construction industry predominantly 5 traits are identified as adaptable, balanced, collaborative, digitally native and loyal. These traits are to be assessed at the time of screening at the time of recruitments.

The Strength of the Millennials

According to a Forbes article, featuring Tamara Schwarting, CEO of 1628 Curated Coworking, when it comes to the workplace, millennials have a certain dexterity in adapting to changing environments. “Millennials have a level of agility to react to changing environments and are very comfortable trying new things and learning new skills. Millennials are able to perform well under the pressure even with unknown outcomes,” she explained. Millennials are multi-taskers and are highly adaptable. They are jacks-of-all-trades and can become competent in many fields. They are not restricted by job descriptions. They have a level of agility to react to changing environments and are very comfortable trying new things and learning new skills. Millennials are able to perform well under pressure even with unknown outcomes.

How Psychometric Assessments can help identify the adaptiveness of the candidates?

In the world of recruitment and talent acquisition, millennials have been typically discussed in the context of the candidate experience, which is defined as the collective result of engagements, assessments, and interactions that organizations have with candidates during the hiring process. It has become one of the highest priorities for talent acquisition and there is a real desire to provide a candidate experience that promotes the organizational brand, assesses the individual effectively and provides a positive experience. For organizations to prosper and move to higher echelons the success lies in its team and thus human resource management should provide for the right psychometric assessment tool at the time of screening. Providing the right candidate experience in leveraging their company profiles leads to the promotion of the organizational brand.

The importance of addressing this issue is exemplified by Virgin Media, who estimated that they lost £4.4 million in 2014 due to poor candidate experience within their assessment processes. Thus, it can be concluded that the human resource of today is predominantly the millennials who are talented, versatile and adept in whatever they do. Hence for the growth of the organizations the right candidates have to be hired who have adaptability as one of their skills for blending into the organizational culture. To bring in the best talent into the organization the recruitment process should leverage on the conducive assessment tools for the employees at the bottom of the pyramid. The human resource is the backbone of any organization. The training and development needs have to be assessed periodically, and the required gest have to be pumped in time and again.

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“ It is crucial that validating the quality of the candidates in recruitment. 9 Links is a service that we can confidently say does that. 9 Links online assessment precisely giving us the right candidates to pick and proceed on recruitment...

We have used 9 links psychometric tool in our Campus Placement Programme.The tool has helped us to identify right candidate as per our organization requirements...

"We used services of 9 LINKS for skill assessment for recruitment for dealership manpower through Campus recruitment at our office campus...

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" Counselling test curated for NES has been very useful in identifying the skill sets and allotting appropriate job fitment to students as per their quotients. Multilingual tests developed by considering various key...

“It is indeed great pleasure in my part to share complementing note to you & your team. Needless to say 9 Links is one of the best organization to conduct skill gap analysis through assessment of Cognitive skills..

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